Co-curricular Activities

Silambam, a good form of cardio workout that improves blood circulation and heart function to burn calories, helps in weight reduction and shaping of the body. It also relieves mental stress, fights laziness and fatigue and ultimately improves flexibility and reflexive movement of joints and muscles. As we do care about the overall development of your child, we provide silambam training from qualified trainers to keep your child’s body and mind fit.

Amazed by the enormous benefits of Karate, we provide Karate with complete professional knowledge. Karate practice strengthens the mind, develops composure, a clearer thought process, deeper insight into one's mental capabilities, and more self-confidence. Building self-confidence and stamina, strengthening kids minds and bodies, improving coordination will help the students in various aspects in their future. It also helps the students, especially the girl children to be safe in all situations as Karate can be used as self-defence in an emergency situation.

Practising yoga regularly makes you feel better from head to toe. Yoga offers a number of physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. To make yoga an integral part of one’s life and to make the future generation aware of the endless benefits of practising Yoga, we offer yoga sessions every week from trained professionals and experts from the same field. Offering this wonderful course, we believe that our student’s mental health, posture and physical health is out of danger.

Abacus is a century-old tool that is used for math calculations. Although mainly found in China and Japan, other regions of the world such as Mesopotamia, Persia, Rome, India, and Greece were also known to use an abacus. With such an honour, we provide our student's abacus class to enable them to enjoy the benefits of Concentration, observation, imagination skills and enhance their utmost creativity. We don’t want our students to go out only with good grades but we promise to move them out with a good personality, so that they may come out with flying colours in all aspects of life.

Learning an additional language will never be a matter of waste. The cognitive benefits of learning a new language are enormous and they prove to be undeniable. Science states that people who speak multiple languages have more listening capacity, improved memory, problem-solving skills which are the most demanded soft skills any industry would command during the placements and job training. We instil such skills right from a young age so that our kids stand out from the crowd whenever they go. When it comes to an additional language, we found Hindi to be most useful as we have seen much better opportunities in the northern states of India. So, we offer Hindi classes to your kids at an unbelievable price.